Sunday, 31 August 2008

DJ Habibi Club Set, Angel

DJ Habibi old shool hip hop and funk set at Salmon and Compass in Angel, N1.

Saturday, 30 August 2008

Wednesday, 27 August 2008

Teaching (Leytonstone)

Taught one to one photography and photoshop in Leytonstone.

Sunday, 24 August 2008

Thursday, 21 August 2008

FlickR account and Wedding photos online

Set up a FlickR account and added some of my wedding shot's


Wedding photograhps:

Tuesday, 19 August 2008

Teaching, Euston

Taught adult evening photoshop class in Euston

Wednesday, 13 August 2008

Teaching (Leytonstone)

Taught one to one photography and photoshop in Leytonstone.

Tuesday, 12 August 2008

Conquer Gear collection shoot


Shoot to showcase new designs for the new Conquer Gear collection. Shot at Three Threads clothes store and surrounding areas in Old Street, London.

The Crew behind the shoot

Margin Clothes show


Covered Margin Clothes show near Carnaby Street in central London.

Conquer Gear launch party, Old Street, London


Conquer Gear Clothing launch party at Beats Workin Records in Old Street, London. Full of talented artists including DJ Downlow, Shrein and Queen's English. Also co founders illustrator Tom and Seb added to the crowd of creative people for a hell of a launch party....

Funk Physics Lauch Party, Cafe De Paris


Club shoot at Cafe De Paris, Leicester Square, London for the Funk Physics launch party.

Vault Fashion shoot


Shot in a bank vault in central London for 'Vault Clothing' to promote their latest collection...

The crew behind the shoot...

Jody Wong Fashion Shoot


Took on London College of Fashion designer Jody Wong's latest collection to create a shoot to showcase them...

The team behind the shoot...